Son Vacates Parents’ Home Under Court Order - Real Estate, Updates, News & Tips

Son Vacates Parents’ Home Under Court Order

A 30-year-old man who was under a court order to move out of his parents’ home in Camillus, N.Y., vacated the property Friday just two and a half hours before the deadline. Michael Rotondo’s parents filed a legal complaint in May to force their son to move out on his own. A judge gave Rotondo until noon Friday to leave the home; Rotondo finally left at 9:30 a.m. in his Volkswagen Passat after a brief media interview in which he said his parents had “more or less” said good-bye to him. He had tried in court to get himself six more months at home but expressed relief Friday about leaving. The departure was not smooth. Rotondo called the police on his father before leaving because he refused to let Rotondo search the home’s basement for his 8-year-old son’s Legos. Rotondo lost custody and unsupervised visitation with his son in 2017 and said his eviction from his parents’ house is linked to his custody battle. Rotondo says he plans to file a lawsuit against his parents to repossess a piece of artwork that he says belongs to him and is worth several thousands of dollars. He says he will stay for a week at an Airbnb listing in Syracuse, N.Y., before moving in with a distant cousin. He even sold pictures of his bedroom to tabloid website TMZ during his packing and claims he has more interviews lined up after his departure. Source: “Evicted son Michael Rotondo departs 2 ½ hours early; calls cops on dad over toys,” (June 1, 2018)

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