Cities Expected to Get the Most New Residents in Q3 - Real Estate, Updates, News & Tips

Cities Expected to Get the Most New Residents in Q3

The highest share of homeowners are likely to move in the third quarter to Chicago, Washington, D.C., Orlando, Tampa, and Atlanta, according to a new study by ATTOM Data Solutions, a real estate data firm. Researchers culled data from purchase loan applications on residential transactions among metro areas with at least 500,000 single-family homes and condos for ATTOM’s Pre-Mover Housing Index. “A higher pre-mover index bodes well for local real estate agents, home improvement stores, moving companies, and others that benefit from the halo effect of a home sale,” says Daren Blomquist, senior vice president at ATTOM Data Solutions. “Meanwhile markets with a low pre-mover index likely have a scarcity of inventory available to buy or relatively weak demand from prospective buyers—or some combination of both—which is not optimal for businesses that rely on the home sale halo effect.” The analysis showed that the metros with the lowest number of new residents in the second quarter were moving to Cleveland; Boston; Pittsburgh; Detroit; and San Francisco.

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