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Office Buildings with Green Upgrades Gain a Sales Edge

Developers who take steps to improve the energy efficiency of their office buildings may boost the property’s value, gain a competitive sales edge, and improve the buildings’ performance, according to a new study by the Urban Land Institute called “Unlocking Hidden Value in Class B/C Office Buildings.” But developers don’t have to spend big bucks on high-end updates to unlock the savings, the study finds.Class B and C office buildings t

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This Mojo Vision Smart Contact Lens is Straight Out of Sci-Fi

Smart contact lenses that grant the wearer night vision as well as act as a private, super-discreet interface for your digital life could be coming to your eyeball, if startup Mojo Vision has its way. The company has clawed its way from stealth to reveal its early prototypes and the diminutive display technology that it promises will overlay everything from your calendar to urgent messages on top of the view around you.It’s something Mojo

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The Key Listing Ad Words that Attract Buyers

Most buyers have “hardwood floors” and “granite countertops” on their minds when reading listing ad copy, but their preferences can differ somewhat after that. Depending on where consumers live, they may be more apt to be drawn to listing ads that point out the “cozy fireplace,” “pool,” or “brick home.”Point2 Homes, an online real estate marketplace, analyzed more than 1.2 million listings in July 2019 to see the most common w

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Solar Mandate Takes Effect in California

Starting Jan. 1, all newly constructed homes and low-rise apartment buildings in California are required to have rooftop solar panels. The state is the first in the nation to carry such a mandate.The law also requires better insulation and air filtration for new homes. Some areas also are seeing mandates on the use of natural gas. For example, in the Bay Area, new homes in Berkeley, San Mateo, Menlo Park, San Jose, or Marin County will not be abl

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FBI Warns of Smart TV Security Vulnerabilities

Cyber Monday shoppers beware: There are new cybersecurity warnings about smart TVs. The FBI says these television sets, which connect to the internet, are vulnerable to hackers. The camera and microphone on many smart TVs also can enable hackers to listen in.The FBI’s field office in Portland, Ore., posted a warning on its website about the risks. “Beyond the risk that your TV manufacturer and app developers may be listening an

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Which Home Security Systems make Owners Feel Safer?

Crime may be at the lowest since the early 1990s, but consumers are still showing a big interest in high-tech home security, shows a new survey from, a home security resource. surveyed more than 1,000 renters and homeowners about their home security preferences and perceptions of safety.Consumers show preferences for certain types of security options, according to the survey results. For example, the group of consumers w

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Savings from Solar Largely Depend on Where you Live

Nationally, the average savings for homeowners with solar panels providing power is $1,075 annually. That can offset 67% of the homes’ electric bills, according to a new analysis of solar-powered home data from 1,800 homes nationwide conducted by Sense, a home energy firm.But how much homeowners actually see in savings largely depends on where they live.Sunny areas of the U.S. stand to benefit, as expected. For example, homeowners in Utah and C

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Facebook Pledges $1 Billion Toward Affordable Housing

Facebook has become the latest company to pledge money to help ease a housing crisis that critics blame big tech for. The social media giant on Tuesday said it would allocate $1 billion in grants, land, and loans to generate more affordable housing in California's Bay Area. The funds will be used to build an estimated 20,000 housing units for middle- to low-income households.In June, Google pledged $1 billion in land and money to build

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Lights Go Out for Hundreds of Thousands of Californians

Tens of thousands of households and businesses went dark in California overnight. Unprecedented power outages are sweeping across the state as the utility company Pacific Gas & Electric leverages the blackouts to try and prevent wildfires from spreading.With strong winds forecast for California mixed with hot and dry conditions, PG&E is taking the precautionary move to curb wildfire risk by shutting off power to thousands. About

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New Tools make Bathrooms more High-Tech

Bathrooms are getting more technological. Many homeowners say they desire to play music in the bathroom, and they’re adding in voice assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home to make it easier to do so, new research from the National Kitchen & Bath Association shows. “Bringing voice control into the bathroom is a big request,” David VanWert, a technology integrator in Los Angeles, told “Being able to ask your house

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