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What Pets Secretly Loathe About Your Home

More homeowners are putting an emphasis on their pets’ priorities when home shopping, according to recent surveys. For example, a third of recent home buyers ages 18 to 36 say their decision to purchase was based on the desire for a larger property with a yard for their dog, according to a survey by Harris Poll conducted for SunTrust Mortgage. Further, 33 percent of 412 young adults surveyed listed their pet as their top homebuying motivation.

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Single-Family Rentals Edge Out Apartments

Single-family rentals that are either detached or townhomes are developing faster than any other segment of the housing market, according to the Urban Institute. They are currently outpacing single-family home purchases and apartment living.Within the last three years, single-family rentals have surged 30 percent. Single-family rental homes and townhomes comprise 35 percent of the nation’s 44 million rental units. That percentage is up from 31

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6 Extra Costs In A Home Buyer’s Budget

Most home buyers put in the effort to save for their down payment, but that is only a fraction of the cost they should expect for homeownership. There are many other lesser-known costs that can sometimes come as a shock to buyers. Make sure your home shoppers plan accordingly for the following extra expenses, including:Earnest money: The amount of earnest money required varies by state and local market. In a slower market, $500 to $1,000 migh

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Home Features, Not Brands, Lure Young Buyers

Home features—particularly those that are technology-based—have a stronger pull on millennial home shoppers than the promotion of brand names, according to a new survey by John Burns Real Estate Consulting, conducted with 20,000 new home shoppers. Millennials tended to show a preference for tech-focused amenities that could make their lives simpler.Young adults born in the 1980s and 1990s are half as likely as their parents’ generation to

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Market Grows for Senior Downsizing Services

Entrepreneurs are starting business niches to help the growing number of baby boomers who are moving their aging parents, The Wall Street Journal reports.These firms assist with the entire process: clearing out a home and choosing what to throw away, donate, or sell; packing and moving; holding estate sales; and preparing houses for sale.“There is more business than we can handle,” said Kimberly McMahon, co-founder of Let’s Move, whic

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Kitchen Updates That Don’t Require a Remodel

If your sellers are looking for ways to improve their kitchen before listing, or if your buyers want to make cost-effective updates to a dated kitchen in their newly purchased home, professional organizer Colleen Klimczak, owner of Peace of Mind Professional Organizing, has five tips. Install under-cabinet lighting. This simple project is low in cost and leaves a big impact, giving the whole kitchen a beautiful glow. Try LED rope lights that pl

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Real Estate Agent vs. Rattlesnake

A real estate agent in Scottsdale, Ariz., was trapped inside an open house recently when a two-and-a-half-foot-long diamondback rattlesnake greeted him at the front door in an aggressive stance and refused to budge. The unidentified agent recorded the frightening encounter and posted the video to YouTube under the name “Our Simple Adventures on Tuesday.”In a written message at the beginning of the video, the agent explains that he was carryin

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Thank you to All the Veterans

In appreciation of all our veterans, and the freedom and power you give this nation. Thank you.Please join iPro in donating to

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Housing Bubble Fears Too Inflated

Mortgage financing giant Freddie Mac devotes its entire November Insight report to exploring the warning signs from last decade’s housing price bubble and weighs it against the current housing market. Economists, however, are quick to say today’s market is not currently overheating.“The evidence indicates there currently is no house price bubble in the U.S., despite the rapid increase of house prices over the last five years,” says Sean B

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Newbie Buyers Make Smaller Down Payments

About 60 percent of first-time home buyers put down 6 percent or less on a home purchase in September. The median down payment has dropped from 6 percent to 5 percent for first-time buyers, according to the National Association of REALTORS®’ 2017 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers.But there are still many potential buyers on the sidelines who may be under the impression they need a bigger down payment before they can buy.NAR conducted a survey

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